Golf Event Planning: Questions to ask a Prospective Golf Course

December 19, 2022

When planning a golf event, one of the most important decisions you'll make is selecting the right golf course. The golf course you choose will play a significant role in the success of your event. It's crucial to find a course that meets your needs and provides an exceptional experience for your participants. In this article, we'll explore some important questions to ask a prospective golf course to ensure that you find the right one for your event.

1. What type of golf course is it?

Before you begin asking any specific questions, it's important to know what type of golf course you're dealing with. Different golf courses may be suited to different types of events. For example, a links-style course may be more suitable for a charity event, while a resort-style course may be better for a corporate event.

2. What is the course's maximum capacity?

You'll need to know how many golfers the course can accommodate to ensure that you can meet your participation goals. Identify how many golfers you expect to participate, so you can find a course that can accommodate your needs.

3. What amenities are available?

When hosting a golf event, amenities such as locker rooms, showers, practice facilities, and dining options are important considerations. Determine what amenities are necessary for your event and ensure that the course you choose meets your needs.

4. What is the cost per golfer?

You'll need to understand the course's pricing structure to determine if it fits within your budget. Eventlify can help you create a budget for your event and determine how much you can allocate to the golf course.

5. What is the course's policy on outside vendors?

If you plan to use outside vendors for things like food, beverage, or golf equipment rentals, it's important to understand the course's policies. Some courses may require you to use their vendors exclusively, while others may allow outside vendors for certain services.

6. What is the course's policy on advertising?

If you plan to advertise your event, it's important to understand the course's policy on advertising. Some courses may have restrictions on advertising within the course, while others may require approval of any advertising material in advance.

7. What is the course's policy on shotgun starts?

If you plan to have a shotgun start for your event, it's important to know if the course allows them and how they handle them. Eventlify can help you organize the shotgun starts and ensure that they meet your needs.


Choosing the right golf course for your event is a critical decision that can impact the success of your event. By asking the right questions, such as the type of course, maximum capacity, amenities available, cost per golfer, policy on outside vendors, advertising policy, and policy on shotgun starts, Eventlify can help you make an informed decision and select the right course for your needs. By working with a professional event planning company like Eventlify, you can be sure that your event will be a success from start to finish. 

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